Sunday, August 8, 2010
I learned of this photo challenge from Michelle at Momma's Pixie Dreams. It's hosted by iheartfaces.
When I saw the theme for the week, this photo of a very surprised Josiah with Nana's iPhone came to mind!
That's all I have for tonight. I rode to Spokane today to meet some friends and ride back into Portland with them tomorrow. Seven more hours on the bike tomorrow! At least the weather is perfect and the ride is gorgeous!
HAHAHA! Love that guilty, surprised expression on his face!
The dog behind him looks a ton like our way too fat beagle. Is it a beagle?
Wow! Read your profile and am humbled and inspired, you seem to have soo much love! God bless you as you love all those children!
Your picture is funny of your little boy, he sure looks surprised...almost caught red handed!
Yes, he knows that he should not have that phone, ah the look of guilt.
thats priceless....
7 more..... good luck!!!
great pic he was definately surprised!
Cute pic. Those darn kids and their insatiable appetite for our phones and technology.
Hope your ride goes well today.
I am glad you are enjoying your ride. What exactly was that poor child lookin at on that iPhone? Or was he just caught in the act?
LOL . . . he surely has that "just been busted" look on. Especially after all the downloads he did. LOL. That story was funny. I LOVE your new profile pic. Flaunt it!
Hee Hee!! So dang cute!
{Make sure you put their button in your post so they will consider it ;-)}
haha! I freaking heart this pic! Soooo cute!! Lil guilty boy! hahaha!
Ha ha! Great photo.
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I think he is surprised because he woke up next to a dog? W.C.C.
To say that he was surprised is an understatement! Then when I looked at my account it seems little rascal hacked my account somehow and downloaded some expensive apps!
Good thing he's my grandson, or he'd have no butt now!
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