Are Murderous Thoughts Illegal?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I really hope that murderous thoughts aren't illegal. What I can gather from watching all those forensic shows it's only illegal if you act on them.
Some of you know of a situation that was revealed to us about 3 weeks or so ago. A situation that is vile, reprehensible and unforgivable. I really can't go into too much detail, but I'll say that a child was violated in the most horrific way possible. A child who was only 4-5 when these acts took place.
Special Victim's Unit is involved and right now they're trying to track down the un-human offender, or I guess at this point I should say the one who was named by the child as the offender.
Various scenarios have been played out in full in my vindictive mind. We have the connections: the Red and White, the Red and Gold and the Black and Gold and could have connections to the Green. My sons-in-law won't allow me to connect to the Green though. A few of you will know these colors, many won't and that's ok, the picture will give you a clue.
All I'd have to do is drop off a picture and an address. Believe me, I've thought about it. I've realized that death would be too easy for this, I don't even know what to call this offender. "Person" or anything human is too good for him in my opinion.
I want him to suffer. I want him to rot in jail. I want him to experience exactly what he did to my grandson, and much, much more. I want his life taken from him, not literally but figuratively. Besides, I don't want to be any one's bitch in prison. I'll save that for him.
and believe me when he finds himself in cellblock B or wherever they put the non human being he's going to know what it feels like. I don't know all the details, but I can guess just the same. I personally have a hard time stomaching those monsters as I was "offended" by a relative when I was a little girl. He's dead now, died a horrible death all alone. Guess what- I think the world is better off now! Just Saying--and No its not a crime to think--only act. He will get his!
Ohh my goodness, that is awful and I can totally understand the way you are feeling. I hope that thongs get better and that the offender gets what he deserves
If murderous thoughts are illegal then I'm in trouble.
I can understand why you feel that way. And you have every right to. There is no justice adequate to cover that kind of "offense".
I'd go with the Red and White... just sayin'.
I hope they get the monster soon.
If they were I'd be on death row. Some people would be tortured for a very long time before death. Yes, child molesters would be at the top of my list.
In the process of piecing my life back together I have gotten behind on my blog reading.. but whatever this is about... it sounds like you may have the answer..
Murderous thoughts are OK in my book. Just don't act on them!
I agree-- the only reason why I don't believe in the death penalty is because thats too easy for the offender. They don't have to suffer ANY by getting the death penalty. So keep them alive but miserable in the worst way possible... That works for me.
I would just call him the offender. No other name is suitable. I hope that your grandson is healing up good. I remember you talking about this. I'm just REALLY sorry that your grandson had to go through this at all!
Geezus Teri,
My stomach is turning..
Smart move on your sons-in-law. Sadly not near as satisfying.
God, my stomach is just sick :-(
When they catch this POS rest assured that child molesters are not well received by the other inmates. My father has been a correction captain for over 20 years and the stories he could tell you I'm sure would somewhat satisfy your revenge. Somewhat :(
I'm inclined to agree with you that the person deserves to live a long, long life of unspeakable suffering! There is nothing more horrific than crimes against children.
I don't know the situation - but I will be praying.
And I hope he DOES become some big nasty vile (disease infested) dude's bitch in jail.
I am a HUGE advocate for eye for an eye punishments. Why would a similar if not worse punishment for the offender be considered cruel and unusual if he did it to an innocent child. I say let him get it back 100 fold. And yes, child molesters don't make it far in prison. Death would be too easy for him. Let the real justice come behind bars.
ps- thank you so much for always visiting and leaving the sweetest comments on my blog! I'm honored! :)
That person is not human!
That person is not human!
Oh man... I'm so sorry... there isn't enough pain for someone like that...
Offenders of that sort dont usually last long in prison. Get killed off quickly due to the nature of their crime.
Though if those thought do become illegal honey, I think we have a large crowd to come break you outta jail. Lets see them stop us.
I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have such awesome friends!
Mama Tink; you made me laugh. If I go to prison I nominate you to head up my "break out" crew!
Wow... I can't imagine what you and your family are going through at this time... I don't blame you for the way you're thinking. I'm sure many people would actually act on it. You and your family are in my prayers.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting and grabbing my button... I was feeling down and your comment made me feel a bit better.
All the best,
Oh wow. What a horrible situation. I hope he does rot and in the worst jail available... Put him out on Alcataz in a cell by himself. Let the tourists poke him with sticks as they pass by.
I say give up the pic and address! They can rape his a** with a hollow fence pole (conveniently filled with razor wire or barbed wire). And when the remove said pole, leave the razor wire in place! I guarantee he won't get that out without major surgery, and he will remember it every time he goes to take a sh*t!
There's no way, I don't think, that I would be able to resist sending some, ah, colors after this shit stain.
Love you, T. I hope for the best possible outcome and I hope it happens quickly.
Vindictiveness is healthy. Try to tell me otherwise and I won't believe you.
Jailtime be damned. I'd call the blue and gray and wreak some havoc on a mfer.
^not good advice. do not follow.
yup...anyof those colors could do it and make it look like an accident.
Im so sorry about this. I understand the ramifications...have lived them. My thoughts and prayers to you and yours.
I want him to suffer too. What sucks is that even if he does suffer, it still won't fix what he did. Still, he needs to suffer.
Oh no...
That bastard. Well, you don't have to want him to die. But I can!
I can't even TYPE the things that I'm thinking right now...
I feel sick. Anything is too good for the MF but death is way too good for him. I will be hoping and praying he has a long and painful life in cell block D.
I too was abused by a relative as a child and I adopted a 10 year old girl who had been horribly abused.
I hope with lots of love your loved one can recover.
I started follwoing him last week. And now I know I should follow you...Hilarious you both.
My wife was abused by an uncle and later raped while on vacation... I would love to go back and find those people and make them suffer... I know she suffers everyday and has lived with the problems they have caused ever since.
I would most definitely be in jail if someone ever touched my child in that way!
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