So Sexy...
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Today, oh how can I describe today? Well for one thing it was all about me and those are the best kind of days.
Started off with a sexy Brazilian sugaring. I love it! The girl that does it is named Kate and her shop is called "Sugar Me." It's incredible. If you've never tried it, what in the heck are you waiting for? Just do it! (I threw that in for Andrea....she's pure Nike)
Then I had a 1:00 appointment that canceled on me so I came home and got a few things taken care of and then off to my local Harley dealership to get some new goodies on my bike! Now THAT'S exciting and oh so sexy!
You can't really see it in this picture but that's a crystal ring around my speedometer! I know, I'm all girl, but I can still kick your ass!
See my "get back" whip? It's the pink and black braided whip hanging from the clutch lever. It's totally awesome! Back in the day they were usually only for 1%ers and showed club colors. They're called Get Back whips because they could be quickly released and "encourage" whatever the perceived threat was to "get back."
Then the much needed clutch lever clock. Believe me, I want to know the time when I'm out there. Not really sure why since I usually have no agenda that I need to be on time for. Call it one of my little OCD things.
And now for the new console. The other one was more bulky and really pretty ugly. I think this one is more streamline and a little more feminine, as if my bike needed anything more feminine. Oh well, I like it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know I got this air cleaner last fall in Reno, but it still kicks ass!
And last, but not least, the Diva's choice of footwear for the day, biker boots and leathers. See the patch? It's a pair of broken wings. It's worn by Harley riders that have gone down while riding. You all remember the story of when the woman hit me and left me unable to walk for four months? No, no, I'm not still pissed off at all about it.
None of this may be sexy to you, but to me...heck a Brazilian and lots of new bike parts......that's what I'm talkin' about!