Thoughts, irritants and LBJ
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Irritants of the day:
- Trying to get my iTunes moved to a new computer. Grrrrr!
- Trying to potty train a very stubborn Yorkie puppy.
- My corgi is being a pain in the ass.
- I can't eat.
- 12 year old boys can have shitty attitudes.
- My keyboard is screwed up. The cursor keeps moving and I end up typing in the middle of other words and have to re-do the whole thing.
- Trying to pay $23,000 in bills with only $21,000
- Having to take money out of savings again.
- For some reason today I'm really pissed about being bipolar and having to juggle all these meds trying to find the right combination.
- My four pound puppy is taking up all of my bed.
- I'm missing my dad A LOT.
- Michael's truck needs breaks.
- My car needs brakes AND new tires!
- My husband wants to put up a fence and we have massive bills to pay first.
- Owning a business keeps my pharmacist busy filling my xanex.
- I saw and promptly remove a gray eye brow today!
- Anna-Grace is a normal two year old.
- Jakob punched a bully in the face.
- Josiah wanted me to cut a lemon so he could taste it.
- I feel better than I have in months! I think we may finally have the right cocktail of medications to control my craziness!
- The eBay guy is going to refund my money.
- Valium
- Jeremiah actually helped watch the puppy HE pushed for.
- I didn't have to cook dinner.
- My eyelashes have really gotten long, Latisse ROCKS!
- Iris
- Ayden
- My daughter has to have another surgery. This will be, i think, number 16 in the last five years.
- Snowbrush reminds me of my dad.
- LBJ was, in my opinion, a piece of s#!t, I think I'll post something about that in the next few days.
- I hope my husband will have coffee with me in the morning
- I'm glad that my daughter won't be moving to Texas. I need her.
- Where's my valium? I need to sleep.
- Hoping that Green-Eyed Momster made it though yesterday ok.
- I think I want a horse and I think that's a impulsive bipolar thought!
- I will not let bipolar II or autism get the best of me!
- I REALLY need more Christian Louboutins, well I guess that's a want. And they should probably come after the fence.
- Lights out

Here's hoping that tomorrow has more things on the "Great Things" list than on the 'Irritants" list. <3
Thank you, I have a feeling that there just might be! :)
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