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Sea Turtles

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The water was so clear, so aqua, so warm, so salty

I dove beneath to swim with the great and majestic sea turtle

I felt my hair flowing behind me and water rushing over each inch of my body

I dove to depths I had never before experienced chasing the elusive, graceful creatures

Their effortless, synchronized, movements were mesmerizing

Their glances at me piercing and all knowing

I was soon gliding more closely

They were just beyond my grasp

I knew I would soon be with them if I could  push forth a little longer.

My world was moving further away and I was moving closer into theirs

I had to breathe, I could wait no longer

I took the salty water deep into my soul

It was warm

It was refreshing

It was liberating

It permeated every crevice of my lungs and circulated throughout my body

It filled me completely

I continued to take in the clear aqua water

It was so easy

so natural

so welcome

Suddenly my speed increased and I found myself in the midst of the group

They had opened a portal to allow me in and quickly surrounded me

I was now one with them, one with the sea and one with the turtles

There would be no return from this new and mysterious world

There were reefs to discover and waters to navigate

My freedom was complete

My prayers had been answered

I would not return

My home would be the sea, and my family the graceful shelled creatures that had in their wisdom coaxed me to follow


Classic NYer April 19, 2011 at 9:27 AM  

Wow... this is a beautiful image albeit a frightening one...

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