Sometimes The Best Start With No Beginning
Friday, November 29, 2013
I've searched words, memories, and thoughts. I've looked forward, behind, and carried the weight of the presence.
Few answers have come, only more questions, more thoughts, and even more colors, There have been smiles, laughter, and tears, realizations, pain, and joy.
I've found real friendships, and seen the true, bitter, characters of others. The truest of friends, and family, are the ones that know the entirety of situations and have no gaps to fill in or imagine. The bitterness, and lack of character, has come from those with very little knowledge of the truth, other than the one they've formulated, those with no first hand knowledge, only speculation and the darkness of their own souls.
So, I guess, in retrospect, I have no need in my life for those that choose to spin tales with their tongues wagging, and their "truths" with eyes wide shut.
Peace Out,

None of us have a need for those people in our lives. Though I suppose they do make us aware of lessons we need to learn. What's really difficult is when you live with someone like that. UGH.
I think it makes them feel better to take out their void of character and understanding, empathy and compassion on some one they know is stronger than they. They can come at me all they want, but they'll still be without truth. You are very right, there is no need for those such as them in our lives, in any way.
There will always be those that think they know us better than we do... or are ready to pass judgement on others.
I do think it hurts the worst coming from those you know... or thought you knew...
Time fixes just about everything, dear...
Thank you for your encouragement!
I must have been in a haze, or needed to let something out when I wrote that, because, with, or without, life will rock on!!
I know that you've been in a really bad place recently Diva, and your entire life for sure. If talking about it helps then talk all you can, sorry things are so bad.
Yes, dear... it WILL rock on!!!
And forward!!!
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