No Longer A Rumor
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
First I apologize it's been such a long time since I've been on here. It's been chaotic, more than usual, hectic, and stressful. I haven't had the time, nor energy, to think, let alone write.
After months, years, of contemplating, discussing, and stressful situations, my husband and I have made the decision to part ways after 26 years of being together.
For those that know us well, I realize this is no surprise. The reason I'm writing about this publicly is that last night Jeff asked me to inform everyone we know, and to ask our friends and family, not to inform him of any of my personal life, where I live, who I hang with, who I ride with, or who I know.
He doesn't want to know my friends, or anything, in anyway, about the life I choose to lead. Out of respect for him, I ask you to please honor his request.
We are keeping the business and will continue to work together. Things are amicable and we intend it to remain that way. In no way will we ask anyone to choose sides, that's not right, it's not something we would ever consider.
Jeff will stay with the kids and the house, I am the one that will be leaving. I will be leaving Friday morning. I'll return to gather things I can't take with me after I find a place to land.
We won't be answering questions from anyone, friends or family, about our decision, and what led to it, so please don't put Jeff, me, or my children in the difficult position of peppering us with questions. We will not give answers.
Thanks so much for your understanding and support, and thank you for respecting our privacy during this time.
In time, I know I will be writing of new adventures and new discoveries of a new life, but only when the time is right for all concerned.
Thank you in advance for your support and for honoring Jeff's request.
After months, years, of contemplating, discussing, and stressful situations, my husband and I have made the decision to part ways after 26 years of being together.
For those that know us well, I realize this is no surprise. The reason I'm writing about this publicly is that last night Jeff asked me to inform everyone we know, and to ask our friends and family, not to inform him of any of my personal life, where I live, who I hang with, who I ride with, or who I know.
He doesn't want to know my friends, or anything, in anyway, about the life I choose to lead. Out of respect for him, I ask you to please honor his request.
We are keeping the business and will continue to work together. Things are amicable and we intend it to remain that way. In no way will we ask anyone to choose sides, that's not right, it's not something we would ever consider.
Jeff will stay with the kids and the house, I am the one that will be leaving. I will be leaving Friday morning. I'll return to gather things I can't take with me after I find a place to land.
We won't be answering questions from anyone, friends or family, about our decision, and what led to it, so please don't put Jeff, me, or my children in the difficult position of peppering us with questions. We will not give answers.
Thanks so much for your understanding and support, and thank you for respecting our privacy during this time.
In time, I know I will be writing of new adventures and new discoveries of a new life, but only when the time is right for all concerned.
Thank you in advance for your support and for honoring Jeff's request.

Sorry to hear that Terri, that is a long time to be with somebody so no matter the issues you had it's still sad.
I have kind of felt something was up with you guys but I knew you would say when you were ready. I am but a phone call away darling if you need me.
To tell the truth, this is not exactly a surprise. But it is very sad. I feel badly for both of you!
Blessings and Bear hugs in a challenging time!
Love you.
Prayers for Both of you and your family, I hope Everyone will abide by your wishes and leave well enough alone, good luck to everyone!
Thanks all, but it's all going to be ok.
I am so sorry Dear One. My heart and prayers are with you as you navigate this new road. Love you Honey, Susie
I'm sure it was a very difficult decision and I wish and hope the best for all of you. Take care.
Always love you.
My prayers are with you.
No matter what....I am here.
This is the exact opposite for me Terri, I never ever seen this coming. I know that in life that sometimes, heck a lot of the time that love no matter how strong it is is not always enough but I've always seen so much love from you guys towards each other.
I like that it's amicable, I like that you guys are working together but I just don't understand, I'm shocked and surprised and mainly quite worried for you, I can't imagine how awful this must feel for you, especially since it's you that's the one who's leaving and I just hope that you're going to be okay in the end, I guess that's the most important thing. I'm really sorry this has happened, I hope for a resolve, it's going to work out no matter much but yeah, I hope everybody's alright.
it's for the best and we're all gonna make it!
I love you , I love Jeff and I love your family- you are like my own. In the end, I want all of you to be happy- however that works out- And after knowing you all like I do, I know it isn't anyone's fault, but just a shifting in the sands.
Sorry to hear about this. It must be hard. All the best to you and your family.
Hugs and love.
I'm sorry girl, I know this wasn't an easy decision for either of you. I'm sure it also brings you both comfort to have made the decision (if that makes any sense) about where your lives are headed. Know that I'm thinking of you!
So glad that it is amicable! That makes things so much easier. I totally understand where Jeff is coming from, and I respect that he was brave enough to tell you that. I'm also SUPER proud of you for taking the step to fly! You all will be okay <3 If you need anything, you know i'm here :) Prayers and love to your family!!!
Best of luck. Keep moving forward.
Whatever is best for everyone I fully support. HUGS!
I'm sorry to here that teri. You will land on your feet. These things happen.
Sending you love, hugs, and support from Minnesota, Dear. Xx
Oh man...
I'm not going to say that I am sorry, because it seems to be something on which you have both agreed.
Good luck you...
I miss my friend Teri!
damn I have so many questions!
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