For Them Both
Friday, July 20, 2012
Wow, it's been eight years since he was born and nearly eight years since he died. It seems like yesterday, it seems like an eternity. If you don't know about Isaiah you can read about him here.
Tonight we gathered to celebrate the birth of our angel, Isaiah. This year, however, there were more smiles and fewer tears. This year was a celebration of the day The Creator blessed us with an angel He allowed us to have physically for 12 weeks. Though the sadness is still there, we can rejoice that we were trusted to care for him and to hold him close for the time we had him.
As usual we released balloons for Isaiah, but this year I released balloons for Jack as well. You can read more of Jack and his story here. He, too, was a beautiful boy that was here only for a short time. So tonight, along with celebrating the life of Isaiah, I celebrated the life of Jack. Tonight the angels carried the balloons to heaven for both handsome young men.

As a new follower, I didn't know your story about precious Isaiah. I'm so sorry for your loss. I also follow Jack's story too so that was such a beautiful tribute to both these handsome men.
Thanks for sharing.
It is never easy to lose someone. May time get easier. I'm so glad you are coping with this. I have people that Im just having tears for in my family. Tears and ballons heal.Hugs. Your a strong woman.
Ouch, this has really hit me hard Teri, I'm so sorry to hear that this happened to little Isaiah but I think that you're right that even though it's tragic at least you got those 12 weeks, at least you had some time and I know that this doesn't make the loss of a child any easier but at least it's some comfort.
Rest in peace Jack and Isaiah, I really wish I could say something more helpful than that.
Our hearts are with you!
Warm Aloha to you from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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thank you for including jack in your prayers and your tribute. love and hugs to your family.
simply beautiful.
Blessings and Bear hugs, all around!
I've got nothing to say... Bless you all...
What a wonderful thing. Really touches my heart. Hugs to you and your family.
What a sweet beautiful angel. Hugs to you all.
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