If you're not one of my Facebook friends you probably don't know what happened last night about 8:30.
I answered the phone about 9:15 to a hysterical, sobbing, incoherent daughter,
The Bipolar Princess. It took me nearly a half hour to forty five minutes to figure out what had happened. I knew it was serious.
The thoughts running through my head were horrible thoughts of one of her kids being killed, or her husband dying. I never would have imagined in a million years what had really taken place.
Karli was at the bank filling out a deposit slip when there was a knock on her window. She thought it was the police. She looked up to see two masked men with guns pointed directly at her.
She went to put her car in reverse and one of the men shot into the air and screamed, "You don't think I'll kill you bitch?"
He told her to open her window. As she cracked it open he shoved his gun through the window and into her skull.
My daughter was robbed at gunpoint as if she hasn't been through enough in her 30 years....rape, stalking, having a son die and having another son sexually molested by her ex husband plus having to deal with the insidious disorder with the name of Bipolar I.
Now she has one more terror to add to her list of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
My. Daughter. Was. Almost. Murdered.
She couldn't identify the men, only that they had Mexican accents.
Today she's been pretty well medicated and much calmer due to the amount of medication she's on. I cannot begin to tell you the out pouring of support she's received. The money the men took was all the money my daughter's family had until the next pay day and they had no groceries or gasoline.
A friend of mine,
an angel, sent her a check for every penny that had been taken, my brother sent her some money as did my son and daughter in law, and when Jakob came home from school he was carrying with him a gift card to a grocery store here in town.
Not only am I angry she was robbed, I'm angry she was there. Does that make me a terrible parent? I'm also angry that everyone's telling her what she
should have done.
The truth is that you have no idea what to do when you're in that situation, you can't think, you can't form a plan. You can only comply.
She complied and she's alive, traumatized, but alive. My daughter is alive.
In case any of you are thinking this is a case against the second amendment, it's not. Guns did not rob my daughter. Illegal aliens did, said the police. If more people were armed fewer people would chance coming up on someone that could kill them first. What's the saying? Oh yes, "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."
Criminals don't care what the laws are, they'll find ways to get guns regardless. Police don't carry guns to protect you, they carry them to protect themselves. Self defense is our best defense.
I do realize that my daughter would have had no choice had she been armed in this instance with two men with guns pointed at her. But if they
thought she could have been armed it would have never happened.
Criminals prey upon people they think are defenseless whether it be by gun, by knife, tire iron, or their hands. It's not the gun, it the criminal.
But bottom line is my daughter is alive.