The Day Was Today!
Saturday, April 26, 2014
After months of intensive planning, and meetings, to get this new project off the ground, today was the first official day of work!
We've been waiting for a break in the weather and all the necessary pieces of the puzzle to fit together so our effort will be worth it. It's been a struggle juggling schedules, interviews, and personalities, but we're off and running.
We had been waiting for a day with less than a forty percent chance of rain, and that day was today. It started off early, way early for me, with a breakfast of gummy bears and orange juice.
Then my phone began to blow up with texts. "Is it still a go?" "I don't want to get wet!" "How cold is it going to be?" "What do I need to bring?" etc.
My answers, "Be there."
As we were leaving the apartment, the clouds began to part, and long awaited sun rays broke through.
It was an interesting, action packed, and sometimes boring day, but boy did we get a lot done. It was amazing to sit back and watch the camaraderie that had formed between the team played out by joking, playing, name calling, and becoming a cohesive unit.
We learned how to strap a electric vehicle onto a gas powered vehicle. We saw people in the drive through coffee hut line sitting as if they were in a car when they realized their mistake. We, or, I, learned when a girl needs help, and there are a lot of guys around, they tend to laugh in a pack. We also learned who the team window licker is, and he cannot be trusted with company equipment.
We had fun, we gelled, we laughed, we worked, but most of all we became one united for a common goal. And that goal is to break barriers, have fun, and to soar into success.
Although the work was not hard physically, even though I caught a few napping, cough, was mentally challenging, but exciting.
We all seem to be the perfect team for our goal, and I think we have a great start to our new adventure.
I simply cannot wait until we're ready to announce the project publicly. Great things are in store!
Finally I can rest |

Sounds exciting. Best wishes to you all :-)
Sounds exciting. Best wishes to you all :-)
Sounds exciting! Good luck on your ventures.
Sounds like fun, but what is it?
Blessings and Bear hugs!
Thank you! I think it will be lots of fun! A new road to navigate, and adventures await!
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