Hell Yes It Hurts!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
After a long day of bookkeeping crap, fundraising ideas, and a couple of hours of, "wind down" computer time, I looked at the clock and freaked. I have a an early, long day tomorrow.
I grabbed my bedtime meds, including things I can't drive on, gulped them down with whatever watered down drink was at my bedside, I closed the laptop, and got out of the bed to go to the bathroom.
The room was totally pitch dark. No moon, no stars, just the blackness of night.
We happen to have this really cool craftsman style trim around all the door casings in the house, and I just realized it's freaking sharp, especially in the darkness of night. I made my way through the bedroom and into what I thought was the bathroom and then, BAM, head first into the casing.
Yeah, ok, I'm probably exaggerating here, but I swear I felt the gash as it tore through my delicate Diva like skin. I screamed, "OUCH! DAMN IT!" I put my hand to my head and felt it was wet and getting progressively wetter. I was totally playing the distressed Diva card.
No one answered, ambien will kick Jeff's ass every time. It was still dark, I kept my hand on my head and could feel blood gushing from beneath. I leaned to put my elbows on the counter top while I held the pressure on the gash and kind of cried and yelled until Jeff awoke from his drug induced coma.
"Are you ok? What happened?"
"Would I have f*@%ing yelled if I was ok? I ran into the door casing."
"Turn on the light and look at it."
"I'm too afraid, I know I need stitches, it's bleeding too badly."
Finally he turned on the light and I looked in the mirror. There is an inch long DEEP gash on my forehead right above my eyebrow, and it was gushing blood. I grabbed a towel to put pressure on it, while Jeff stumbled through the bedroom closet to find the first aid kit and, hopefully, a bandage of some sort that would work until morning.
I looked in the mirror again at the deep cut in my head, directly above my right eye. The gash is SO deep, and SO long, and pouring out SO much blood, I knew right then and there I would die from blood loss before we got to the hospital.
Then I remembered there would be no ER or stitches tonight, Jeff and I are both on you name it. We can't drive anywhere!
Jeff first attempted to put on what only looked like white duct tape to me.
"There's no way in hell you're putting that on my head. It'll only rip it open again tomorrow. Just find the bactracin and a Bandaid."
I still kept pressure on it and it still kept bleeding. Jeff pried my hands off of it and looked at it again, "Oh, Teri you really must of hit hard, it's cut badly. It's deep and it's long."
Great, just freaking great when you're both on sleep aids there IS NO way to go the hospital, there is nothing that could be done.
He put the bactracin on it and applied bandaid the best he could. The blood was still pouring, my head is throbbing, stinging, and I keep remembering my mom when would say, "You bumped your head, you can't sleep for awhile."
So now I sit, eating ginger snaps, writing a freaking blog post about stumbling in a dark room. I think I need one of those miner's lights for nights like tonight.
If you don't hear from me tomorrow, I've either died of blood loss, got a horrible case of staph in the cut, or am in for plastic surgery! I say as blood is dripping from underneath the bandaid.
It's going to be a long night,
Ouch, ouch and effin ouch!
OH, i forgot the Ambien and Duct Tape Man's fundraising site for medical and living expenses until we can get on our feet again. Donate if you wish, or you can simply share his site by clicking the FB or Twitter icons on the page.
Also Bikers i the PDX area we're having a poker run, a great ride from Salem through the Ma pass, to Sisters, Detroit Lake and bak to the Hitching post for some great prizes! there will be a 50,50, Big Flat Screen TV, a Harley Bulova watch, a case of ammo, and some other cool things. You can go to the site and get Karli's email and contact for more information. It begins at the Hitching Post (?) and will end there. Great prizes, great friends, lots f laughs and a great cause. If you have an idea of a band, or another local that may handle more people, let us know.
Sleeplessly, and hurting,
I grabbed my bedtime meds, including things I can't drive on, gulped them down with whatever watered down drink was at my bedside, I closed the laptop, and got out of the bed to go to the bathroom.
The room was totally pitch dark. No moon, no stars, just the blackness of night.
We happen to have this really cool craftsman style trim around all the door casings in the house, and I just realized it's freaking sharp, especially in the darkness of night. I made my way through the bedroom and into what I thought was the bathroom and then, BAM, head first into the casing.
Yeah, ok, I'm probably exaggerating here, but I swear I felt the gash as it tore through my delicate Diva like skin. I screamed, "OUCH! DAMN IT!" I put my hand to my head and felt it was wet and getting progressively wetter. I was totally playing the distressed Diva card.
No one answered, ambien will kick Jeff's ass every time. It was still dark, I kept my hand on my head and could feel blood gushing from beneath. I leaned to put my elbows on the counter top while I held the pressure on the gash and kind of cried and yelled until Jeff awoke from his drug induced coma.
"Are you ok? What happened?"
"Would I have f*@%ing yelled if I was ok? I ran into the door casing."
"Turn on the light and look at it."
"I'm too afraid, I know I need stitches, it's bleeding too badly."
Finally he turned on the light and I looked in the mirror. There is an inch long DEEP gash on my forehead right above my eyebrow, and it was gushing blood. I grabbed a towel to put pressure on it, while Jeff stumbled through the bedroom closet to find the first aid kit and, hopefully, a bandage of some sort that would work until morning.
I looked in the mirror again at the deep cut in my head, directly above my right eye. The gash is SO deep, and SO long, and pouring out SO much blood, I knew right then and there I would die from blood loss before we got to the hospital.
Then I remembered there would be no ER or stitches tonight, Jeff and I are both on you name it. We can't drive anywhere!
Jeff first attempted to put on what only looked like white duct tape to me.
"There's no way in hell you're putting that on my head. It'll only rip it open again tomorrow. Just find the bactracin and a Bandaid."
I still kept pressure on it and it still kept bleeding. Jeff pried my hands off of it and looked at it again, "Oh, Teri you really must of hit hard, it's cut badly. It's deep and it's long."
Great, just freaking great when you're both on sleep aids there IS NO way to go the hospital, there is nothing that could be done.
He put the bactracin on it and applied bandaid the best he could. The blood was still pouring, my head is throbbing, stinging, and I keep remembering my mom when would say, "You bumped your head, you can't sleep for awhile."
So now I sit, eating ginger snaps, writing a freaking blog post about stumbling in a dark room. I think I need one of those miner's lights for nights like tonight.
If you don't hear from me tomorrow, I've either died of blood loss, got a horrible case of staph in the cut, or am in for plastic surgery! I say as blood is dripping from underneath the bandaid.
It's going to be a long night,
Ouch, ouch and effin ouch!
OH, i forgot the Ambien and Duct Tape Man's fundraising site for medical and living expenses until we can get on our feet again. Donate if you wish, or you can simply share his site by clicking the FB or Twitter icons on the page.
Also Bikers i the PDX area we're having a poker run, a great ride from Salem through the Ma pass, to Sisters, Detroit Lake and bak to the Hitching post for some great prizes! there will be a 50,50, Big Flat Screen TV, a Harley Bulova watch, a case of ammo, and some other cool things. You can go to the site and get Karli's email and contact for more information. It begins at the Hitching Post (?) and will end there. Great prizes, great friends, lots f laughs and a great cause. If you have an idea of a band, or another local that may handle more people, let us know.
Sleeplessly, and hurting,

My goodness Diva, that sounds absolutely terrible! So sorry to hear about this, at least it's now hopefully going to be on the mend, at the same time though, ouch is all I can say!
Oh my goodness, when it rains, doesn't it freaking pour! I really hope you're doing a little better this morning! (don't forget, head wounds will bleed A LOT so they often look much worse than they are...hopefully that's the case but if you need stitches, make sure you get them...will heal much better)
I hope you're able to get everything that you wanted accomplished today!
I certainly hope you don't die from walking into a wall on your way to the bathroom. It'd look terrible on your tombstone.
And I hope it won't leave a scar on your delicate Divaskin forehead.
Seriously though, I hope you're OK.
You are such an accident looking (or not looking) for a place to happen. Is that a trait that Divas share?
So sorry for your misadventure! Really. I remember walking into a post in the basement one night. Blood all over. Ended up with a concussion. Not a very bright move, even for a Bear.
I hope you got to the hospital and they checked it out, with perhaps did a little sewing on your forehead. Another battle scar from real life.
Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)
Eep!!! Thats one really bad reason not to use those pills. If something happened you'd not be able to drive. Hopefully your wound is doing better now and you've been looked at?
Isn't it good to have someone who is there to help you when you bang you head in the wee hours!
I did this also Friday night walking into the dark bathroom, dog asleep on floor in front of toilet! Fell on the dog and toilet and almost bath tube!
Crap wanted to show you my picture of the big ass bruise on my thigh (goes from one side to the other).
I feel your pain!!!
Oh you poor thing! I hope you don't need a stitch. I thought only I walk into walls. Apparently not.
Feel better. :)
took the bandage off this morning. I should have gone in. It's much worse than I thought. UGH!
Damn it..
Are you Okay or What?
Xxx LOVE from MN.
Oh, Mom....You always have a way with taking really screwed up things and making them funny as sh!t !!!! I'm laughing like a hyena! I'm sorry you got hurt, though. You, know, I run into the trim on my bathroom door almost nightly? I need a padded room. I have spoken with you today so I can 100% confirm that you are not dead. :)
not dead, just ugly!
Not ugly, just battle-scared. Battle scars are a sign of character, built through the trials of human experience. (Or something like that.)
Just read this and your last comment...you my dear could not be ugly if the scar was clear across your whole face! It may add to your kick-ass persona.
I am so sorry this happened though! Hopefully the morning light has revealed it already healing up. Susie
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