Come Party With The Diva and A Bunch of Bikers!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
I have to thank a very gracious, and humble man, Al Unruh, AKA Big Al. He offered one of his annual poker runs as a benefit run for Jeff.
It's going to be awesome! The ride is going to be gorgeous, from Salem, over McKenzie Pass, through Sisters, Detroit and back to Salem.
There's going to be a 50/50, raffles for a big, flat screen TV, a Harley Bulova watch, courtesy of my brother and sister in law, three $100 dollar gift certificates for tattoo work from an awesome artist, he's done amazing cover up work for both of us, ammo, and other great things!
Our wonderful friend, Renata, put together an incredible flier, that, hopefully I can figure out how to attach it to this post, she's been such a blessing in our lives.
As for Jeff, today was pretty bad. Emotionally he's in a place I've never seen him in. His pain level is still very high, but he is more active, probably too active, but not enough to be able to go back to work physically, which is causing him great strain.
But he did smile tonight when he saw the flier, and was bummed he can't take the ride himself!
We are going to try to have him at the after party and the drawings for the raffles.
So if you're in the area, pop in and have some fun with us!
If you can't see the information well enough in the picture, email me and I'll send you a copy!

I hope it goes well :-)
So decent of the guys to organise this for Jeff Diva and I sincerely hope that the whole thing is a roving success, great when a community bands together, your blog has taught me a lot about the kindness of the biker community.
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