5150 And The Spider
Monday, November 21, 2011
You know I love spider stories, Lord knows I have my own, this is one I couldn't help but tell you.
Remember my friend 5150? He's a hardcore biker, general contractor, all around tough guy, really tough guy? He posted a status on Facebook the other day that made me laugh until I cried.
You see, no one messes with 5150, no one. He'll hand you your back side before you even know it's missing. That's the kind of guy my friend is.
In his status he perfectly captured the moment. I can just see him now. He was standing at the job site with his employees all around. He was on a phone call and saw a spider web. He reaches for his Stanley tape measure and began to poke at the web.
In no time flat he was confronted with a foe that he couldn't handle, the aggressive spider whose home he was messin' with.
His status read something like this:
"When you're standing around the job site, with all of your employees watching, and you're talking on the phone, don't poke a spider web with a 6' Stanley tape measure. In less than a second a HUGE spider can run down the tape measure and up your arm making you squeeeeel and jump like a little girl....just sayin..."
I'm laughing now imagining the spider dance in my head and 5150 squeeeeeeling and jumping around like a three year old girl!
Love ya 5150!
BWHAHAHAH yeah that kind of kills the big tough guy image in a nanosecond doesn't it.. Ya know the spiders outside don't bother me but when they try to relocate to my house I have issues..serious issues.
I know, I'm still laughing at the thought of it.
Sounds like my hubby...he'll squeal like a girl when confronted with a tiny spider. What is it about spiders & macho men?
I probably would've run around as though my arm was on fire. That said, I love to see a big tough guy melt down like a little girl. Nothing is quite that funny!
I just love a tough guy that can squeal like a girl!! :))
Hmmm gives me a great idea of how to effectively deal with those UC Davis protesters in an environmentally sensitive way since apparently pepper spray is somehow inhumane and brutal? W.C.C.
Great idea. WCC!
Ya gotta love it when the tough ones show their softer side. ;) Too funny!
L O L !
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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Now THAT's funny.
Made my day! Thanks!
I don't like spiders, my wife doesn't like frogs.
LOL... xo HHL
HAHA! Eff that, I hate spiders too!
Now that one had me laughing my ass off! Still laughing in fact. Unless of course if 5150 is reading this comment and isn't amused, because well... oh who am I kidding? I'd be laughing my ass off while he's kicking my ass...
Thanks for the laugh! :)
LMAO!! Yeah that is a visual! hahaha
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