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Waiting Wolves

Saturday, September 13, 2014

They wait with the frothing mouths of wolves, blood staining their teeth, watching my every word with the intention of plotting my demise.

Every word I type is being taken as a word of implication, of participation, and confession.
My thoughts run rampant, but are not allowed to be shared, even though they have nothing to do with the situation at hand.

The words I type are tangled, and twisted, into meanings not intended, and used to impale my character, and to control me from afar.

My thoughts have no where to be land without spying, scrutiny, and surveillance.

Innocent ideas, tribulations, and feelings, cannot flow as before. Each written word, by myself, or others, only feeds into the craving of blood to be misconstrued by others with darkness covering their eyes, and falsehoods hindering their hearts.

The processing, the therapy, the encouragement, I once used this site for, have been interrupted.

I've written tongue in cheek for years, and currently, those posts are now stained with crimson droplets of blood that have fallen onto them from the sharpened fangs of those seeking what they call, "evidence."

One day, hopefully soon, the relentless frothing, hunting, and stalking will stop, and my life, my writing, will once more be seen for what it is, innocent thoughts, humorous posts, and even looks into my soul for answers, but, for now, that cannot happen. Wolves are at the door.

These words, of course, are only my opinions, not to be taken literally. They do not portray any individual, entity, or group.  


Just Miss C September 13, 2014 at 7:28 PM  

I'm sorry that you are going through a situation where you feel you cannot write freely. It can hurt being watched or "stalked" by people who don't really understand us. As a blogger and in any media outlet people will sadly judge. Words can be taken totally out of context and twisted especially from people who wish us ill. I hope one day soon you can write freely.

The Bipolar Diva September 13, 2014 at 8:28 PM  

Thanks Crystal. It will come, and the shackles will have been unlocked. :)

Anonymous,  September 14, 2014 at 6:22 AM  

I'm sorry to read you're struggling with internet nay-sayers!!! I just discovered your blog and have been enjoying the "back copies." Looking forward to a speedy recovery and return of your work!

If it makes any difference, I love your words!

The Bipolar Diva September 14, 2014 at 8:01 AM  

Thank you so very much. writing, to me is like breathing. I love it, it's what i do. thank you :)

UncleGlen September 14, 2014 at 11:45 AM  

When this is all over Teri, you will be the winner because you moved on to be happy....

Andrea L September 14, 2014 at 8:51 PM  

So sorry you're going through this. I love your writing, and the fact that you say so many things many of us would love to but aren't brave enough to. Saying a prayer things will get better for you soon!

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