It's Been Awhile
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Even through the fog the vision was clear, unsettling and necessary.
Through the haze I heard the call and followed the echo of my name that was being repeated in the heavy, thick air that surrounded me.
Time had been suspended in those eternal minutes and the distraction that followed was a welcome relief from the bombardment.
The movements were smooth and deliberate. Emotion was numbed and release was imminent.
Seeing the effect of those carefully placed strokes was strangely calming and despair was banished.
The cause and effect has been burned into my soul and will not fade from memory.
Although unorthodox in it's delivery, the ethereal peace that flooded my mind and body was as life giving as the crimson drops that fled the open wounds.
The whirlwind that surrounded this peace was for a time stifled, the world had stopped and I was allowed to catch my breath.
I'm left to contemplate the actions and the benefits and wonder if another time I shall surrender to it's spell.

I love your way of writing so much Diva, it's always so beautiful and free flowing, leaves me in awe, your penchant for wonderfully woven words.
thanks M.
Oh, dear!
Blessings and Bear hugs!
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