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It's Coming Together!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

As I drove to work today, I had the sunroof open, and Kid Rock blasting, as I usually do on a day we're going to film, and I felt an energy come over me as never before.

The thoughts running through my mind were bouncing from one corner to another, and I laughed. I laughed because the man, that is pouring his heart and soul into making my vision a reality, is SO much like me. I go down my rabbit trails, and he goes down his, although he's very good at redirecting me and getting me focused, at times, and I'm a little too good at interrupting him, I get too excited. I'm working to tame that, really, I am. Actually, he may need to get a shock collar to zap me back into the real world.

I swear the man was able to see, in detail, my vision for this project from the time I approached him with it. He's so funny, he puts up with me, I tend to bounce with my thoughts, and he sees them, it's like wi-fi to wi-fi. I am amazed. Plus, he and I work so well together, bouncing ideas, planning, envisioning. I'm just on cloud nine.

I got to the office today, and my guy, not in any way, but work partner, and my gift from God, my mentor, and friend, were both there. She and I watched him. He was SO excited to show us some of our nearly completed work.

We were totally blown away. I sat there thinking, "Oh my God, this IS coming together!" What I had envisioned and dreamed of is becoming reality. I'm still on such an amazing high after our meeting. All the thoughts, the ideas, and the filming we've done, consume me at times. I awake in the middle of the night, thinking of things I should have said, thinking of the work, and fun that lies before us, and I marvel at how this totally came out of the blue.

He, as well as the other member of our trio, is so encouraging to me, and so much fun to be around. It's not like work at all, it's fun, really fun. But, he does remind me, as I'm aware of, but I appreciate his reminders (they make me focus), that the success of this endeavor rests totally on my shoulders, and my ability to sell myself. We've pulled together an incredible team, but knowing the success, or failure, of this depends on me, is daunting at times. But I have confidence in myself, my ability, and in my team.

It's funny, after my friend and I were filmed today, we just chatted and had girl talk, he walked in the room and was shaking his head and smiling. I wasn't so sure what he was going to say, and was a bit worried, but he said, "You two are amazing together." What a compliment! What a relief! I mean, she and I know we rock together, and by that I mean, we have fun, we're real, we have the bull by the horns, but for him to tell us that was such a confidence boost. He's taken my idea and he's brought it to life, and that alone keeps me where I need to be to sell this.

A friend of mine is a music artist in Nashville. He and I have been talking about the amount of work that goes into projects like this, it's overwhelming at times. People have NO idea the amount of blood, sweat and tears, that go into things like we're both working on, and my friend has agreed to work with us on this, he's behind us, we're behind him, and we're going to actually get to work together! EXCITING!

I'm chomping at the bit to let more of what's going on out to the public, but I will follow his lead. We're so close, so, so close. Our team is incredible, real, committed to quality and so much fun. But gosh, how I want to give you the secret channel some of the work is on, but should I do that, I realize my death would be imminent.

We have so much work to do in such a short amount of time, but come hell or high water, we'll make it happen! I cannot wait to take you all with us on our adventure, our dreams, and for you to become a part of our lives. 

I'm so excited I'm not sure I can sleep, but I have to. I'm working a fundraiser tomorrow and have to be up with the sun!

So, good night all, sweet dreams, and be on the lookout, great things are coming our way, and I want each of you by our side!  


A Plea From The Diva

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bear with me please, I rarely, if ever, speak of my faith on this page. Today, however, is different. My friends, readers, and fans, are diverse and unique, as are their beliefs. We respect each other enough to realize that, while our opinions may differ, we are still friends at the end of the day. I am in no way a "bible thumper." I do not push my faith on anyone, and rarely say anything unless asked. 

I am in no way a saint. I have made many mistakes, and I know I will continue to do so. I have also made choices, some good, some not. I will not use Bipolar as an excuse, I take responsibility for my choices, I own them.

I am no hypocrite either. I am not one to dip my toes in the pool of sin, and preach to others of their mistakes, or choices, as I see them. I believe we are all free to make any choice, and to live the life we desire. Joshua 24:15

In what I am about to write, you will see the beliefs that happen to be mine.  I'm asking not for debate, but for the respect to allow me to adhere, and find comfort, in the faith I have, and to possibly give someone, facing a soul crushing period in their lives, a glimpse of words that have comforted me in the same situation.

Thank you in advance, for allowing me to share what I believe, and not arguing, or debating, in a time of such unimaginable loss.

I felt it yesterday, and awoke all through the night, with my friend on my mind. This morning I was in tears as I was pulled from sleep by the tone of a text.

As I read the text, I realized the foreboding, the oppression, I had felt yesterday, hadn't been imagined. While sleeping, my spirit was feeling, sensing, the coming tragedy. I then knew, that for the past few days, my constant prayers for this family were not unmerited.

I will simply copy and paste what I wrote on my personal Facebook page, as the thoughts, the realization, still have me in tears for their pain, and what I know they face. 

I'd like to ask all of my believing friends to be praying for a very close friend of mine, and his entire family, and circle of friends. 

His family has experienced an unexpected, and devastating tragedy, one that will forever change their lives. Isaiah 57:1-2.

Many of you are mutual friends with us both, as well as many others, and I ask you not to mention his name, or his family, on my page out of respect for them all, as well as for the privacy of the family they so desperately need at this time, as they make their way through the days and times ahead they will be facing, and will continue to face. 

I pray that the Spirit of God is with them at this moment, and in the times to come. Psalm 34:18, Psalm 147:3, John 14:1-3

I pray they will all feel His presence, His love, and be drawn closer to Him, and not be driven to bitterness, and anger, but into knowing there is an appointed time for everything under the sun, Ecclesiastes 3:1-4.

While, we as humans, cannot see but the dark threads beneath the tapestry being formed, one day we will be able to see the completed work of art, and the meaning, and importance, of those dark threads, in all of it's glory. I pray my friend and his family feel His peace and comfort surround them, 2nd Corinthians 1:4, John 14:27, Deuteronomy 31:8, Matthew 5:4, Romans 8:18-19, John 14:27.

I ask that He protects them, and guides them forever. I ask this all in the precious, Holy, name of Jesus.

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